All deck personnel are required to acquire the comprehensive knowledge offered in this course. Participants delve into a spectrum of maritime competencies, from mastering essential knots and lashings crucial for every seafarer to advancing skills in splicing, whipping, rigging stages, and derricks. Practical sessions cover the proper handling of berthing lines on bitts, capstans, and windlasses, along with selecting the appropriate stopper for secure mooring.
Moreover, the curriculum extends to understanding the diverse qualities and properties of ropes, calculating safe working loads, recognising the significance of test certificates, and implementing the Code of Safe Working Practice for Merchant Seamen on deck.
This intensive course spans four days of instruction, culminating in a rigorous oral and practical examination on the fifth day. Prospective students are strongly encouraged to arrive with proficiency in tying standard nautical knots to optimise their learning within the allotted timeframe.
It’s noteworthy that as of January 2017, an Efficient Deck Hand (EDH) certificate must be obtained at least 18 months before receiving the Officer of the Watch (OOW) Certificate of Competency.
Oral and practical on the final day
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