Interview With Britta & Liam: Navigating The Yachting Industry As A Couple

Meet Britta and Liam, a dynamic couple united by a shared passion for the yachting industry. Though they hail from different regions of South Africa, their paths converged during yachting training in Cape Town, and they have been charting their course in the maritime world ever since. In this interview, Britta and Liam discuss their journey into yachting, the challenges of life at sea, and how they navigate the complexities of working in such a demanding field as a couple.

By Sharon Rose • 04 October 2024

Where is home, and how did you meet?

Liam: “I’ve lived in Swaziland (now Eswatini) my whole life. I met Britta while taking yachting courses in Cape Town in early 2020.”

Britta: “I’m from the Eastern Cape in South Africa. I’ve lived there my whole life, and I also met Liam during our yachting training in 2020.”


What attracted you both to a career in yachting?

Liam: “A friend introduced me to the industry. I didn’t know what I wanted to do after school, but the opportunities and challenges yachting offered drew me in. After some research, it felt like an easy decision.”

Britta: “For me, it was my older sister who introduced me to yachting. Like Liam, I wasn’t sure what my path would be after school, but after giving yachting a try, I immediately fell in love with it.”


How did you secure your first positions in yachting? Were they seasonal or year-round?

Liam: “I spent about three months doing day work and temporary jobs before a friend referred me to a position. After my CV was reviewed, I landed a permanent, year-round job.”

Britta: “It took me four months to find work during COVID. A friend connected me with someone looking for a sole stewardess, and I got the job on a private 24m motor yacht. It was a seasonal position, and though I was offered the opportunity to stay, it was time for me to move on.”


Where are you now in your careers? Are you still in the same roles?

Liam: “After a successful first season, I decided to resign and look for my next opportunity to further my career.”

Britta: “I’ve just completed my third summer season and am currently at home with Liam, searching for our next positions.”


How do you approach the job search as a couple? Any advice?

Both: “Initially, it was tough because Britta had experience and I was still green. We realized that for the first season, we’d probably have to work separately so I could gain experience. Now, we’re only applying for couple positions. If that doesn’t work out, we’ll look for couple-friendly boats where one of us can join later.”


Where did you go during your first/latest season?

Liam: “The vessel I was on was based in Antibes for most of the season. We had a trip to Egypt and visited a few ports in Spain.”

Britta: “My first vessel went to Cyprus and Greece, while the latest one cruised through France, Spain, and Italy.”


What were some of the highlights and lowlights?

Liam: “Highlights from my 2022 season include getting my first day work, landing my first job, and meeting people who became good friends. The lowlights? Saying goodbye to Britta, dealing with the day-to-day struggles of finding accommodation and day work, and the stress that came with it.”

Britta: “My highlight was definitely the crew—we were only seven, but we made amazing memories. A lowlight was being away from Liam for months, and we went through a really rough storm in Corsica.”


Was the experience everything you both hoped it would be?

Both: “Yes! No one can fully prepare you for the realities of this industry, but it exceeded our expectations and reassured us that we made the right career choice. We’re excited about what’s next, both individually and as a couple.”


What are the advantages and disadvantages of yachting as a couple?

Both: “We haven’t worked together yet, so we can’t speak to the advantages. But being apart for long periods has definitely been one of the biggest challenges of our relationship. It’s hard finding time for each other when you’re working different jobs.”


What part of your specific roles brings you the greatest job satisfaction?

Liam: “There’s nothing quite like finishing the final preparations before guests arrive—when the boat is spotless, everything’s set up, and all the repairs are done. It’s a great feeling of accomplishment.”

Britta: “I really enjoy the service aspect—not just serving food, but interacting with guests, creating new cocktails, setting up the table, and experimenting with décor.”


What’s next for you as a couple?

Both: “We’re focused on securing our first couple’s job. We want to establish ourselves on a yacht, build longevity, and keep expanding our knowledge and skills together.”


Do you have any advice for couples starting their first job on a yacht?

Both: “Communication is key. Long distance is tough, but it’s doable. If you stay connected and keep the communication strong, you’ll make it work.”


What home comforts did you miss while at sea?

Liam: “I missed having personal space, and while the chef’s food was great, I started to miss home-cooked meals and being surrounded by family.”

Britta: “I missed cooking for myself and having personal space.”

What would you do differently if you were starting yachting for the first time again?

Liam: “I’d focus on speaking to as many people and making as many connections as possible. The yachting industry is small, and a good impression can take you far.”

Britta: “I wouldn’t hesitate to ask for help when I’m unsure of something.”

As Britta and Liam continue their journey in the yachting industry, they’re eager to embrace new challenges and opportunities together. Their experiences highlight the importance of communication, making connections, and supporting each other in a demanding field. With shared determination and passion, they are well on their way to building a successful career and partnership in the world of yachting.