From San Francisco To Superyachts... Meet Hospitality Instructor Erin Robertson.

We often talk of the Bluewater family, spread globally in various yachting hubs/ timezones serving both our superyacht fleet and crew worldwide. But who are they?

By Jessica Duarte • 15 August 2022

Meet One of the Exceptional Interior Instructors From Our Crew Training Center in Fort Lauderdale

Yacht Stewardess Training

We asked Jessica Duarte (Crew Placement Agent- Fort Lauderdale), to sit down with Erin Robertson, to understand more about Erin’s 4-year journey with Bluewater so far!

Where is home now & where are you originally from?

I currently reside in HOT & HUMID Florida, just west of Fort Lauderdale. My husband is a yacht captain and this is “where the work is”. Originally, I am from the San Francisco area of California… and I miss it. I miss the mountains and cooler weather. Many, many, things I miss. But I have learned to enjoy Florida and all its humid weather, it’s funny how our bodies acclimatise. 

When did you join Bluewater?

In 2018, I started with crew placement doing reference checks and helping with some job fulfilment. In 2020 I moved into more charter management work, representing the owner and doing what we could to market charter yachts when I was introduced to crew training- i found my happy place!

What is your role within the team?

For the past 2 years, I have been an Interior/Hospitality Instructor for Bluewater USA. I love teaching. I studied to be a primary school teacher and I taught swimming for years before taking the jump into yachting. This is definitely in my wheelhouse. 

Did you work onboard superyachts? 

In March 2022, I celebrated my 10th anniversary. I worked onboard from 2012-2019, working my way from junior to chief stew. I started on a private 50m Motor Yacht, New England summers and Caribbean/Bahama winters. The next vessel was also on a 50m, Mediterranean summers and Caribbean winters. I have enjoyed some freelance and sole stew work as well.

How did you happen upon the wonderful world of yachting?

I was coaching (swimming) in Los Angeles and making not enough money. My sister and childhood friend had been yachting for a couple of years and they roped me in. Yachting pushed me to get my first passport.

Even with the connections I had before I joined, it took me 6 weeks to secure my first full-time position. I had interviews and offers but finally accepted the “right job”, from the right yacht. 

Some highlights of your career onboard?

Lucky enough to travel to places I would have never desired to go. Turkey wasn’t on my bucket list and it has been one of the most enjoyable places I have ever been. 

Learning from and working with so many people from all kinds of backgrounds. Learning about their upbringing, and cultures- I find fascinating. Basically, I see it as what makes us who we are today. 

What valuable lessons did you learn while working onboard?

It is tough to pinpoint specific lessons. Yachting has made me more reflective, I constantly think and evaluate cases/situations in that I made mistakes or maybe under the stress of it all, where I wasn’t as appreciative or kind as I should have been. I use those moments and make them teachable;

How can I continue to evolve to be a better person?

How can I use those moments to also be kinder-not only to others, but also to myself?

There can be so much mounting pressure in yachting, you have to know how to deal with it and progress.

It takes time, be patient. 

It is funny to see the person I was from when I started to when I began working onshore. To now teach with my success and mistakes in mind. It is fun. 

How did Bluewater find you?

Bluewater Crew Placement placed me and my husband for our first Chief Roles- him a Chief Officer and me a Chief Stew, together, in a couples role. Then, his first Captain position was also with Bluewater Crew Placement. 

What courses do you teach?

Introduction to Interior, Level 2: Floristry / Silver Service / Barista and High-End Guest Services / Leadership, Management and Administration.

What is your favourite course to teach?

ALL of them! Each for their own special reason. Interior departments need more training. We all need more tools in our toolbox! Thankfully more captains and HoDs are seeing the value in training. 

I even had a captain in a Silver Service course. His feedback was great and seeing how much he valued our training felt very rewarding!

What’s the most rewarding course to teach?

Entry level and Leadership. I love to see the excitement from our new students. They are eager and it is palpable!

Leadership because our interior crew need it! HELM is great for exterior, so we tailored the same course for interior, and the feedback has been great! Working as an HoD onboard a superyacht is incredibly stressful; we need to be mindful of our crew, motivate, not sacrifice our own time, and make ourselves a martyr for our jobs. Leadership is an ongoing process, it needs to be treated as such. 

How do you enjoy being in the Bluewater family?

I love it! I have course notes from the time it was ICT, Mike Voigt was an instructor of mine in 2014 and again when the school became Bluewater in 2017. I took my first HELM course to beef up my leadership skills when I was a Chief Stew. 

What are 3 skills that every want-to-be steward(ess) should have?

1.     Patience: There is always a lot of information to take in, whether you are a new or an experienced Chief. Patience throughout your career is KEY!

2.     Focus: Pay attention to those around you. We are indeed in charge of our crew. They are in our charge, meaning in our care. We must be mindful and respectful of those around us, their personal lives and work lives. The focus should remain on the balance. 

3.     Understanding the true meaning of ‘attention to detail’: Go slow at the beginning- speed & efficiency come with time. Always pay attention to even the smallest of details. It becomes second nature, even to a scary degree. 

Any other advice you would share with future yacht crew hoping to work on the interior? 

Have fun! Create goals- both personal and work-wise. Make friends and look out for yourself.

Document this life, for your personal- not for social media. Careers can come and go so quickly, it would have been to create my journals alongside my photo albums. I am off boats, with kids and I miss it. I miss the adrenaline rush and the pleasure of making a memorable trip for those we serve. I miss the spontaneity of working onboard yachts.


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