Brexit guide for yachties
The PYA recently held a webinar to discuss the new rules for UK crew coming to mainland Europe.
They have
created this useful document which will hopefully answer all your questions, or feel free to
contact them directly for more information.
Some of the questions answered in their document:
- What are the immigration rules for UK crew who were working onboard vessels before Brexit 31/12/2020?
- What if a UK citizen (crew member) has residency in an EU country?
- How far can crew travel from their vessel (in the port) once stamped out of the EU?
- What about UK crew looking for work or dock walking during their 90-day travel allowance?
- What about crew tax declarations?
- How can UK crew get a Seaman’s Book?
- Has the validity of UK (RYA) certificates been affected by Brexit?
- Are ICCs issued by the UK still valid in the EU?
- Will RYA examiner and instructor certificates still be valid with EU training schools?
Here is an interesting article published by
Superyacht News on the topic of yachties and Brexit.