Navigating Support: ISWAN’s Commitment To Seafarers’ Welfare

In celebration of the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) annual Day of the Seafarer on June 25, we take a moment to recognize the indispensable contributions of seafarers to our everyday lives. Established in 2010, this day acknowledges that sea transport influences nearly everything we use daily. The Day of the Seafarer aims to raise awareness about the critical role of seafarers, encourage appreciation of their importance, and advocate for positive changes in their lives. Today, we have chosen to highlight the International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN), an international maritime charity dedicated to improving the lives of seafarers and their families through comprehensive services, resources, strategies, and advocacy.

By Sam Jurgensen • 25 June 2024

ISWAN’s Motivation

Seafarers bring us 90% of the things we use every day and take care of us when we travel by sea, but their lives are often tough. They experience long periods away from family and friends with limited or no communication, fast turnaround in ports with restricted or no shore leave, reduced crew numbers and increased workloads.

Welfare services and facilities both on board and ashore can be a lifeline for seafarers.

ISWAN’s Work

For Seafarers and Their Families

ISWAN operates SeafarerHelp – the number one free, confidential, 24/7/365, multilingual helpline providing help and support to seafarers and their families around the world. For professional yacht crew, ISWAN operates the free, 24-hour helpline Yacht Crew Help.

ISWAN has staff working in India and the Philippines to provide humanitarian support in these regions. It also administers several relief funds to provide financial support to seafarers and their families in crisis or with urgent needs.

Seafarers can also access free health resources on ISWAN’s website and the ISWAN for Seafarers app, including self-help mental health guides and guidance on topics like healthy eating, keeping fit on board, and safe travel.

For the Wider Maritime Industry

ISWAN works to drive change within the maritime industry for better health and well-being among seafarers. It uses data from its helplines to identify areas of need and inform new projects and research.

ISWAN provides maritime mental health awareness training, offering both in-house training for companies and open-access sessions for individuals or smaller groups.

ISWAN also delivers bespoke crew support helplines for a number of shipping companies and organisations within the industry.

ISWAN’s Impact

In 2022, ISWAN assisted over 13,600 seafarers and their families of 94 different nationalities worldwide. The relief funds administered by ISWAN awarded over US $450,000 to seafarers and their families in need.

ISWAN’s Funders and Supporters

ISWAN is funded by grants from foundations, membership subscriptions, sponsorship, and earned income. ISWAN is proud to work with its core funders – the ITF Seafarers’ Trust, The Seafarers’ Charity, The TK Foundation, and the Trafigura Foundation – and all its partners and sponsors who make what ISWAN does possible.

Are you a Seafarer?

If you have a problem or question or need someone to talk to, you can contact ISWAN’s SeafarerHelp ( using any of the contact details below. SeafarerHelp is a free, confidential, multilingual helpline available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Phone: +44 (0)20 7323 2737 (request a call back:
Live Chat: via
+44 7909 470732
SMS: +44 7860 018538

Do you work on board yachts?
ISWAN’s Yacht Crew Help ( is a free, confidential, multilingual helpline specifically for professional yacht crew, available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Phone: +44 203 713 7273 (request a call back:
Live Chat: via
+44 7514 500153

ISWAN is dedicated to making a positive impact on the maritime community, ensuring that seafarers and their families receive the support and care they deserve.