2024 Bluewater Photo And Video Competition

The 2024 Yachting Photography and Videography Competition invites yachting enthusiasts to embark on a creative journey with the theme "Life in the Ocean." This competition seeks to encapsulate the multifaceted world of yachting, from the thrilling adventures on the high seas to the serene moments of tranquillity, the hard work of maintaining the vessel, and the camaraderie among crew members. Participants are encouraged to showcase what yachting truly means to them through stunning visuals and compelling stories.

By Fernanda Barbe • 27 June 2024

Competition Categories

Submit your stunning work here.


  1. Adventure at Sea: Capture the excitement of sailing, navigating rough waters, or discovering hidden coves.
  2. Serenity: Showcase peaceful and scenic moments on the yacht, such as sunrises, sunsets, or calm waters.
  3. Crew Life: Highlight teamwork and camaraderie with candid or posed images of the crew at work or leisure.
  4. Wildlife and Nature: Present the natural beauty encountered while yachting, including marine life and seascapes.


  1. Yachting Journeys: Create short films (up to 3 minutes) that narrate a particular voyage or day at sea.
  2. Life Onboard: Display daily life on the yacht, featuring activities, crew interactions, and unique experiences.
  3. Spectacular Scenes: Provide captivating footage of the ocean, weather phenomena, or unique maritime landscapes.

Drone Footage

  1. Aerial Beauty: Offer stunning drone shots of the yacht in various settings — docked, at sea, or during manoeuvres.
  2. Bird’s Eye Adventure: Capture the yacht in action from above, showcasing its movement and navigation.

Competition Details

  • Submission Period: June 2024 - September 9, 2024
  • Judging Period: September 12, 2024 - September 26, 2024
  • Public Voting Period: September 30, 2024 - October 11, 2024
  • Winners Announcement: October 14, 2024


  • Best Photo: €1,000 cash prize
  • Best Video: €1,000 cash prize
  • Best Drone Footage: €1,000 cash prize
  • Featured on our social media accounts

Submission Guidelines

  • Open to yacht crew and yachting enthusiasts.
  • Each participant can submit up to 5 entries per category.
  • Entries must be original and owned by the participant.
  • Include a brief description of the image or video, explaining its significance to the theme "Life in the Ocean."
  • Submit original, never-before-seen images and videos.

How to Submit

Entries can be submitted via your Bluewater profile by clicking this link. Please include your full name as it appears on your profile as the file name before uploading. If possible, include the location of imagery/footage, social media handles, and contact information.

Judging Criteria

  • Relevance to the theme
  • Creativity and originality
  • Technical quality
  • Emotional impact

Public Voting

All category winners will be posted on our social media accounts. Followers will have two weeks to vote for their favourite entry.

Encourage your crew and friends to capture and share the essence of yachting through their lenses, and let’s celebrate the diverse experiences that make up the yachting lifestyle!